Collect details from phone numbers using the PhoneInfoga tool

Collect details from phone numbers using the PhoneInfoga tool

Collect details from phone numbers using the PhoneInfoga tool

Hello everyone, Welcome back to this blog where we'll explore obtaining additional details from a phone number via OSINT, utilizing a tool named PhoneInfoga.

PhoneInfoga is an advanced tool that scans phone numbers exclusively using freely available resources. Initially, it retrieves information about the carrier, country, area, etc., and then employs Search Engine Fingerprinting to determine the owner.

The tool's appeal lies in its Python-based structure, allowing it to run on any platform, including Termux.

For Indian numbers, you typically acquire information about the country, area, and carrier, providing substantial details.


Let's get started by cloning the repository.
copy code -->
git clone

Next, navigate to the directory and inspect its contents.

copy code -->
cd PhoneInfoga

Reviewing the directory contents, when encountering a requirements file, proceed to install all the necessary dependencies.

copy code -->
pip install -r requirements.txt

In case pip isn't in your PATH and only python is, use the following:

copy code -->
python3 -m pip install -r requirements

Post installation, create the config file. A sample config file,, is provided. If you're familiar with Python, customize the config file to your requirements; otherwise, simply copy the default config file.

copy code -->

With these steps completed, you're all set. Execute the script and test by printing the version.

copy code -->
python3 -v

Now onto the interesting part - retrieving phone number information using the -n flag.

copy code -->
python3 -n <PhoneNumber with country code>

Please note: the image may appear blurred, but you can access all the information. This tool is effective for extracting details from a phone number. Clone the repository and run with the -h flag to explore additional functionalities.

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Thanks for reading. I hope you found this information helpful. If you encounter any issues, leave a comment below


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